Monday, October 09, 2006

take a walk on the wild side

I seem to have recalled myself writing about walking my dog along the train tracks in Cambridge, you know, where the elephants in the circus walk when they're in town? Well, we got an email from whomever at MIT announcing that it was 'that time again'. Many in my building yawned. 'It' has been happening since forever. But since I've gotten a dog, I am more appreciative of the animal arts, shall we say. Though I must say it has to be at a distance.

The pic is of some circus animals walking right past the nuclear plant on campus. They camp out in the railway cars on the tracks for a couple of weeks that they're in town. I don't think the elephants have to walk back and forth over the bridge to Boston every day, but do not know where they wine and dine there.

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