Friday, April 20, 2007

I'm a sad sad toaster made of glass

I used to enjoy reading books and magazines, but am afraid that all that old fashionedism is falling to the wayside. Why? Because I just discovered a new site that will soon suck out all of my marrow and leave me with a shell of a reader.

Go there at your own risk.


AmyR said...

I haven't looked at the site, cause I'm in desperate need of my marrow, presently. It's funny that you use that expression, because there was a game that Dave used to play, and I used to say, "Are you playing that game that sucks the marrow out of your soul, again?" I can't remember what game it is. I leave you with this: Andersen's Bookstores, Sundays during "church"...need any more inspiration to READ??

Sheiler said...

Ha ha ha ha...I forgot all about Andersen's bookstore. What a great place it is. I miss bookstores.

If you ever do remember the game Dave used to play, will you let me know? I guess I'm getting anti-marrow in my advancing age.