Wednesday, September 10, 2008

all of that hidden potential on yr birthday

If you were born on this day, you too might be able to grow a blue mustache (as opposed to blue beard), sprout Martian attenae to communicate with the your fellow beings who are currently investigating Las Vegas and Arizona, and wear your heart on your sleeve....arm. Yeah, your arm sleeve. And cut your cheek while trying to lick the frosting from your cake.

Happy Birthday Amy!


AmyR said...

Thanks Sheila! I don't remember any of this from KT's wedding. Might have been drunk. Wait, I was pregnant w/Lucy. : ) Thanks!

Sheilee said...


It's a really great pic of you actually, sans blue graffiti. I'll send you a proper pic to you. Also note that Dave is/was in the picture too. I'll send it.