Monday, June 26, 2006

what chance, deep breaths?

Maria and I went to yoga two days ago, the baby class, where all you do is lie down and breathe with your "addobmen" and maybe get up and do a little salute to the sun. Which is what I can't recall, but a bunch of poses that I couldn't do. Maria could do less. We did not stand on our heads. We stretched some but mostly breathed in and out in very obvious ways. For instance if we were standing in line waiting for tickets to the opera while doing the breaths, our opera gowns would have busted the zippers at every inhalation.

Afterwards we did nothing but eat salad at home, cold peanut noodles, and "rested". Maria rested all day before going to bed really early. "If breathing does this to you, what would adding a candy bar do?" I asked her. "ohhhhhh," maria groaned. "mmphhhphhkdsjijf" she concluded.

Meanwhile I was caught up with all of these memories of stuff at Naropa where I went to college (last undergrad college). A lot of the professors and administrators there were there when "it" was just a gathering of hippies to hear this weird Tibetan guy talk. They stayed with it and got off of drugs at his prodding, according to my religious studies prof and my cog science prof. Back when they were going after the mind altering events .. of mind alteration...but somehow got themselves to stop in favor of meditation.

I caught Maria staring longingly at a fresh cilantro leaf yesterday and knew that Naropa wasn't far behind me.

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