Friday, July 28, 2006

basically it's my own little diary read by gnomes

I write here but the traffic to this blog went from like 100 hits a day to 0 so I'm writing to myself. la la la. Katie, sorry to hear about sucking monkey balls. We have chicken or lasagna tonight for dinner. Our guests have gone and now we're left with an empty but clean house. It's soo quiet. Maria's sister Cathy and kidzzz came for the week. Michelle, Doug and their son Jake came for the weekend last week too so the house was jammed with people. Neighbors walking by might have seen part of a head coming out of the window by the fireplace, and someone's left shoe out of the window by the office. That's how jammed up we were. It felt like the wedding all over again with those characters (brother Jean was here for a day too and Cody and David) here but not anyone representing Club 852. Crazy Stephen (the artist in the white suit) called us to come to his house (didn't feel like getting in the car again), and Marthoune called us asking if she could either buy Crazy Stephen's house sight unseen (but we love it so much that we talk about it) or our house. The party house is partly inhabited these days with aunts, kids who love Tookie, and other people, all Greek. Tookie is waiting for his morning walk and it's 12:24 pm.

I've been entertaining a headache since end of June. My eyesight is affected in that I read like a dyslexic person and see through shadows on the sides of my vision. Technically I have perfect eyesight and don't need glasses yet so that means that either my brain is affected or that I am under the influence of gnomes. Can't tell which yet since I get my next neurologist appt on August 20th. Previously I would get a small headache which would then grow in intensity so that I would be unable to function for 2 days - 2 weeks. When we were at Judy's house in Magnolia she insisted that we go to the emergency room so that I could at least get some good drugs. So we did and I did and then was able to get my neurologist to prescribe more good drugs sight unseen for the time being. But the drugs puffed up my face which screwed up our filming of the podcast that we're doing for MIT. I'd thought I had it under control taking this herb called Boswellia, which it did for the most part, but then it made my burp fumes that I could actually see. So I turned to my good friend CoQ10 which worked better than Boswellia but is expensive. I ran out. And then the headaches came back. At which point both Maria and Judy said, :Which is more expensive: CoQ10 or headaches? Plus the puffy faced drugs I was given are veerrryyy expensive. And MIT will only pay for them once a month. So if I need more in the same month I cough up the $150 on my own.

Back to CoQ10 land, I've entertained the small nagging at the back of my right skull for a month. Have not had to take anything more than Excedrin, and that only 3-4 times since geting back on CoQ10 this month. So it's good. But my ability to see is still not perfect like it once was.

Katie, Tookie loved Magnolia as much as you did. Everyone wanted to pet him all of the time and the locals don't call the cops if you take your dogs off leash on the beach after or before hours. Who knew? I thought it was such a stuck up town, but they do love them some dog. Maria loved it too. But it was much damper there than in say Hull, both beach towns. We shall see more about where we are moving once we get our podcast mojo going. I have two weeks off in August to work with Maria on editing the film.

When you close your eyes what color(s) do you see?

Michelle asked us this and said most people see black. Maria sees red. Chelsea (Cathy's daughter) sees purple. Cathy saw two colors. I see black. Michelle says that those people who can see diff colors (than black) are visionaries who will help people transition to living a better, more richly lived life.

Probably with the gnomes.

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