Thursday, September 21, 2006

look at me, I'm 2D!

Awesome commercial KT!

I just got a new computer at work, which has filled me with dread. Beginning of the semester = everyone's hair is on fire. So who has time to move files, set up new email application, make sure I've got everything from the old tanker, wa wa wa?

Who has the time?

Cartoon girl does, apparently. The new computer comes with a wicked new software and built in movie camera/digital still cam.


Subway Commercial

Jared's not as cool as me! Danny and I taped this after we'd been out drinking at my friend's it's a little silly. I'm putting it up cuz Sheila and Maria haven't seen me in a bit...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Rhoda Says Thanks!

Thanks for the birthday greetings. We went to Minnesota to visit Dave's brother Keith at the Mayo Clinic. He's not doing great, and right now, we're just looking at life maintenance rather than "curing" or "healing." Mayo is an amazing place, doctors here, there, everywhere at all hours of day & night. Dave took me out for an Italian dinner for my birthday, so no generic iced tea, and no French Onion Soup. I'm not a big cake eater, more likely to have cheesecake! But, we stopped for ice cream after the restaurant. As Rhoda Morgenstern once said, "I don't know why I bother eating it, I should just apply it directly to my hips!" PS You can buy this picture on EBAY for $9.99!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

hey emma! I am late!


Very sorry that I did not wish you a happy birthday in on your birthday. You are getting to be such a big girl now that I almost don't recognize you. I bet you don't recognize me, but perhaps you do of my dog. Here Tookie is, in the hotel built for nerds. How can you tell it is for nerds? Look at the bedspread. There are scientific equations all over it. For decoration.

In this picture Tookie is very tired. Not pleased to be in hotel that doesn't have a lot of barking and kibble. He could not get away from the lights over our desk and so had to stay up as long as we were up. We tried making it up to him the next day when we took him for a long walk on the railroad tracks without a leash. It was the only place we could let him go loose. The railroad is only used once a day at 5:30. And it serves as a place for the circus to hang out when they come to Boston to do some shows, They arrive in their trains and then let their train cars sit on the tracks for the 2 weeks that they're here. Sometimes they walk the elephants there, just as I did for Tookie. But good thing that Tookie's poop isn't as large as an elephant's. But that is for another day.

Kisses and cookies,

How to chop off your finger...Happy Birthday!

So -

There I was - in a hotel room, trying to put in finishing touches on a mini film with me as a character called Prof Blue, when the files I'm working on vanish on the computer, Maria is desperate for a cigarette but can't leave because of the new disaster, and yet cannot light up in the room since all of Massachusetts is thankfully indoorly smoke-free. We hadn't slept more than 4 hours per night in the past three weeks or so and were a bit punchy. I put the headphones back on, clicked on the microphone, to do voiceovers yet again when I was reminded of the bits Amy and I had done back on Southport. On analog tape. And how funny they were, and how great Amy's voice sounded when spewing forth about some fake detergent. I can't recall what other fake ads we did. But they were all, in my most humblest of opinions, done really well. That night in Cambridge, I wasn't getting what I wanted in the audio sense and knew that I had it in me to get it. Like I'd done like 30 years earlier.

So Amy? Hapy Birthday. In case I didn't tell you then, you did a great job.

For your birthday I ate some dangerous cookies. The only ones I really like these days are called Chocolate and Mint made by a company called Back to Nature. I ate more than I'd planned. Like the line in one of Rufus Wainwright's songs: "Have to eat them all in just one sitting." Hopefully you've had your fill of....french onion soup iced tea. Do you ever eat cake?

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Well, here's Lucy....not really talking.  Let's see if this works.  I'm trying out a new program thingy. 
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Friday, September 01, 2006

The girl is 7!

Seven years ago I gave birth to my first child, Emma Kayrene...hard to believe it's been so long....