Sunday, September 10, 2006

How to chop off your finger...Happy Birthday!

So -

There I was - in a hotel room, trying to put in finishing touches on a mini film with me as a character called Prof Blue, when the files I'm working on vanish on the computer, Maria is desperate for a cigarette but can't leave because of the new disaster, and yet cannot light up in the room since all of Massachusetts is thankfully indoorly smoke-free. We hadn't slept more than 4 hours per night in the past three weeks or so and were a bit punchy. I put the headphones back on, clicked on the microphone, to do voiceovers yet again when I was reminded of the bits Amy and I had done back on Southport. On analog tape. And how funny they were, and how great Amy's voice sounded when spewing forth about some fake detergent. I can't recall what other fake ads we did. But they were all, in my most humblest of opinions, done really well. That night in Cambridge, I wasn't getting what I wanted in the audio sense and knew that I had it in me to get it. Like I'd done like 30 years earlier.

So Amy? Hapy Birthday. In case I didn't tell you then, you did a great job.

For your birthday I ate some dangerous cookies. The only ones I really like these days are called Chocolate and Mint made by a company called Back to Nature. I ate more than I'd planned. Like the line in one of Rufus Wainwright's songs: "Have to eat them all in just one sitting." Hopefully you've had your fill of....french onion soup iced tea. Do you ever eat cake?


Katie said...

Don't forget about chopping your finger for the answering machine...all thanks to a food processor and a carrot! Ahhh...good times.

Sheilee said...

what are you talking about? Answering machine? > ? ? ?

Katie said...

You don't remember the Thanksgiving-De-Cynthia? Riding down your banister, with not a care in the world and a scarf on my neck...we made funny answering machine messages and made mom and dad call us back so they could hear them!
Amy- A little help here?