Wednesday, March 15, 2006

For the Abba-philes in the family

While on lunchbreak I found news on a US production of the musical Chess. Where's it to be shown? America's cheeseland or hotdog land, depending on whom you ask.

Posted at 9:15 AM

A website/blog for Madison, Wisconsin, has news about a local production of Chess.

MATC Performing Arts is presenting Chess at the Mitby Theatre March 10, 11 and 12, 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, 2 p.m. on Sunday.


"The most satisfying aspect of the production for me was the talent shown by the individual performers, who are accompanied by a live orchestra. Melissa Simonson, whom I had quite pleasant memories of in Aspects of Love, demonstrated impressive vocal and dramatic abilities in the demanding role of Florence Vassy, who falls in love with a Russian chess champion and must deal with the severe complications that occur when he defects."

Full story at:

Dane101 is an online magazine for and about the Madison, Wisconsin metro area, covering local music, arts, politics, media, recreation, and more.

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