Thursday, March 02, 2006

warning, beep beep, viewer discretion

Hey, my friend Will emailed me his memories of the oil crisis times in the 1970's. Thank you Will! Now c'mon the rest of yuz.

"Gas was 31 cents a gallon when I started driving. My wife hadn't been born. Dope was $15 an ounce. Heiniken was making inroads in the Bud market.People were having sex for the fun of it (although I'll admit some still are). Really bad Black music was in full swing (Spinners, Oj's, Me and Mrs. Jones) and I loved it. Arabs were still riding camels and there was a thing called the middle class in America. Hippies hitchhiking at every exit on the interstate. I had a 3/4 ton chevy. Then the "Big Dunce out" as Lester bangs called it was rocked by Inflation, something the Keynesian economists couldn't handle. Internally it was the result of Lyndon Johnson printing money to pay for Viet Nam. Exogeonously(sp?) it was the oil cartels learning how to challenge the market."

Anyone else?

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