Friday, June 01, 2007

Aaauuuggghhhh!!!! STUPID BLOGGER!!!!

I know the title of my friend's blog, but I can't search stupid blogger anymore because it WON'T LET ME!!!!!!!!! I can't figure out how to do it and the STUPID HELP SECTION SUCKS!!!! There's not even anywhere to complain to anyone, so you guys are stuck with this. I'm really frustrated. AAAUUUGGHHH!!!


Kayrene said...

I see how to comment on someone else's posting, but I don't know how to say something myself.


Sheilee said...

KT - I know Blogger kind of sucks. Please pet your computer monitor nicely, say There There to it, and try to bear with the lack of a good help section.

Katie said...

That's your help? There There? The world is lucky that you work in a science department instead of IT. Thank you for not working in IT, Sheila. Thank you!

Sheilee said...

very very sorry for your troubles