Wednesday, January 30, 2008

there was a boy who felt the need to touch people's faces

Check it out here, at Kyle's (of Hull, MA) website:

(hi kyle)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

the dog who cried Pesto

So Maria and I get home from a hard day at the ski hills. We did not go skiing, but we were impersonating media which means we got press passes and exclusive access to the freestyle ski competition in Ste Afele about 10 mins from our house. Maria turned our video camera on (to impersonate our being press) and somehow got me to interview the silver medal winner from Finland. We had arrived maybe 10 minutes before this and I had seen 2 people do their freestyle magic. I had no idea who he was, had no idea what to say, so it was a profound interview.

So we get back from a long day of lying. Tookie's in the house waiting to be let out of the house so that he can get back to lying (there's that word again) on the snow. Maria and I hook him up on his little outside chain so he can luxuriate in the cold (luscious caramel, rich milk chocolate), and we realize that we are famished. All of our big plans to slow roast a chicken, with sweet potatoes, and brown rice (with a tamari and lemon sauce) are put on hold in favor of the quick retreat of quesadillas. Maria says, "Provigo had these pesto tortillas on sale so that's what we've got". I'm so hungry that I don't balk at this odd taste combination of basil, garlic, in a tortila, and then melted cheese and then topped with guacamole, salsa and plain yogurt.

Next thing we know Tookie is begging to be let in. He plops himself down at Maria's feet and proceeds to beg. "For what?" we ask him. We point to our quesadillas. "This? You hate guac!"

He's almost crying tears at this point.

Maria's finished her quesadilla. But I have a small square of just tortilla and melted cheese. I offer it to him, dubious. He smells it a long time, and then gobbles it down. He's crying again. He never does this. Maria makes herself another quesadilla, and gives him part of hers. He eats it and crosses his paws. He's crying again. More? I make another one for me. Give him part. He's moving his paw like it's on an etch a sketch and he's drawing a picture. A sign maybe that says Will Cry for Quesadilla.

I ended up make him his own quesadilla. His own pesto, cheese, quesadilla. He ate it with dog gusto. At which point we both yelled at him, "That's it. You're cut off."

He stayed at his station until we'd cleared the table and washed the dishes. Put them away even.

Thus concludes a very strange and hilarious day.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Professor Blue take 2

OK so I found out that MIT has an online tv thing like YouTube, and posts videos for free for anyone who has an MIT account, which I do. They also offer all of these fancy things like statistics, and rss feeds so that people doing a general search on the internet (looking for, say, videos of characters wearing blue wigs) will be directed to our videos on the MIT Techtv site.

So ok I put them up there and didn't think much of it. I checked the stats today to see that over 500 people checked out just the Teaser. Just today. Will have to check out for the other days. The Teaser is also featured as being one of the videos that's "Hot". But no one has left a comment.

Can one of you guys check it out and leave a comment? Hopefully a true but flattering one?

Go here:


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sharing is Caring

The pic is from the (first use of the phrase, to my knowledge) original Club 852 project. The girl on the left is Mike & Joe's former roommate Sarah.

Danny's mom bought our cats Chi-Chi-Chi-Chia cat grass for Christmas. It's like the Chi-Chi-Chi-Chia pet, but it's grass you grow for your cat's eating enjoyment. Strange, but true. We let Stanley (my big, fat, gray & white cat) eat some of it on Friday night and were laughing our tookeses off watching him mow down. He LOVED it. They go nuts for canned cat food b/c they don't get it that often, but this was much different. He was just overwhelmed with his love for this grass. This video was taken on Saturday morning. I tried to get Jasper (Danny's darker cat) to eat some of it, but Stanley wouldn't share. So Jasper gave up and decided to play instead, as you can see in this video. [Notice- this video was taken by a cruddy digital camera and I was lying on my stomach trying to get the cat's-eye-view, and it was kinda hard to move around that way, so it kind of explains the shakiness of the camera.] [Kinda]

Friday, January 11, 2008

how my day's been going so far

Funny Pictures
moar funny pictures

But thanks for the birthday sentiment, KT! And that pic! How old is *it* again?

MeiPing is taking me out to dinner tonight. I go up to "America Junior" tomorrow morning. Maria and I will do something in Montreal. And then I'll just be 42, sigh.

Happy Birthday Sheila!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Ok, 2 More

Again, here are some pictures from the Corkery Christmas, and me with nothing funny to say.


Ok. I tricked you. Here are 2 more pictures. I just couldn't NOT put up the picture of Charlie singing about a derranged rabbit, or a lunatic squirrel. Or some weird combination of the two. I can't remember.

Hi Kyle!

Attention Kyle Anderson! Welcome to Club 852: Not just for Lisle anymore! Sheila said you had an interest in this blog, and we have an interest in you! I've been trying to think of something funny to say, but I haven't been very funny lately, so you'll have to deal with the corny crap. And here's a picture that has nothing to do with anything, but it's nice.

Merry Christmas from Joe and Lucy.

Zee Double Oh