Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sharing is Caring

The pic is from the (first use of the phrase, to my knowledge) original Club 852 project. The girl on the left is Mike & Joe's former roommate Sarah.

Danny's mom bought our cats Chi-Chi-Chi-Chia cat grass for Christmas. It's like the Chi-Chi-Chi-Chia pet, but it's grass you grow for your cat's eating enjoyment. Strange, but true. We let Stanley (my big, fat, gray & white cat) eat some of it on Friday night and were laughing our tookeses off watching him mow down. He LOVED it. They go nuts for canned cat food b/c they don't get it that often, but this was much different. He was just overwhelmed with his love for this grass. This video was taken on Saturday morning. I tried to get Jasper (Danny's darker cat) to eat some of it, but Stanley wouldn't share. So Jasper gave up and decided to play instead, as you can see in this video. [Notice- this video was taken by a cruddy digital camera and I was lying on my stomach trying to get the cat's-eye-view, and it was kinda hard to move around that way, so it kind of explains the shakiness of the camera.] [Kinda]


AmyR said...

That's just grass!

Sheilee said...

chic on the car and the car won't go