Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sheila Check Your Email

Do it.


Sheilee said...

I did. What is it that I am looking for? I got nothing from you!

Katie said...

What email address do you use? I must have the wrong address. This is the one I have.

Sheilee said...

nothing from you or relating to you in my inbox at

I even checked my spam box. Nothing.

Katie said...

I re-sent it. Otherwise...I dunno.

Sheilee said...

send to my mit account -- nothing on yahoo

Katie said...

what's that account? I haven't used it in years. Anyway. Here was the body of the email:

Danny's niece Emma has a school project: the Journey Journal. They send this journal (one per student) all around the country, having people write in the journal. When the person is done with the journal (within a week), they send the journal onto the next person, and also send a post card to Emma, telling her that you've written in the book and sent it on. Then she brings the post card to class and shares it with everyone. She's supposed to get the journal back in May-ish. The whole project lasts from October to May, I think. I thought it would be really cool to send to you b/c you could do the Canada/Boston thing, and you always write funny things. She'd love it. She's 7.

Let me know what you think!

Sheilee said...

Hey that sounds like fun. I'd love to write.

I don't know why I didn't get your email. So weird. My MIT email is

Katie said...

It is very weird. I've sent you many emails over the year and I figured that you were just too busy to respond (and didn't really pay much attention).