Monday, January 07, 2008

Ok, 2 More

Again, here are some pictures from the Corkery Christmas, and me with nothing funny to say.


Ok. I tricked you. Here are 2 more pictures. I just couldn't NOT put up the picture of Charlie singing about a derranged rabbit, or a lunatic squirrel. Or some weird combination of the two. I can't remember.


AmyR said...

KT those are some great pictures! That one of Emma looks like it was taken in a portrait studio. Did you use the same camera for all?

AmyR said...

P.S. That's "rabid squirrels!"

Katie said...

Yup, same camera. Danny changed the flash a few times and I think one of the lenses. Sometimes we really luck out with that camera, and sometimes it's not so great.

Sheilee said...

5 onion rings!