Wednesday, August 16, 2006


That's about the correct spelling of the almost-laugh that came out of my mouth after seeing the Johnny Cash picture.

I'm sitting at work at 4:36 in the freaking a.m. and I'm alone, yes, but I'm on camera and on ... is it called microphone when i'm using it in this context? On recording? On top of old smokey? Anyway, there's surveilance afoot. I saw the picture and started to laugh but stifled myself. I have no idea why. I'm under the impression that my manager and the owner of the hotel don't really watch the video for the midnight shift. We watch movies on the office computer and no one has said anything. So yeah, I get to watch movies at work. (The other day Danny got really frustrated with me b/c he was making fun of someone at work...or...he was complaining about something...I can't remember, anyway he said that I always find something nice to say about everyone (and he got frustrated cuz he just wanted to complain about X)) So as it turns out I am having a harder and harder time to find anything nice to say about this job. It's really horrible, and one of the nicest things I can find to say about it is nothing, because I complain about it so much. I'm actually sick of hearing myself complain. But it is most definitely the worst job I've ever had, and hopefully the worst I will ever have.

I hear noise in the lobby.
got to go

1 comment:

AmyR said...

Sorry Danny, but saying nice things about people is good for you...sometimes it takes a lot of exercise of the brain, but it's good for you.